Mindfulness Coaching

Mindfulness-Based Coaching for California Bar Exam, LCSW and LMFT Clinical Exams

Passing the state licensing examinations in California can present several unique challenges for new professionals. In addition to the complexity and cognitive strain of answering hundreds of technical questions within a limited amount of time, many test takers lack the skills to effectively manage their anxiety while taking their exams.

To help my clients overcome these obstacles, I prepare them by increasing their test-taking stamina by assigning both in-office and home-based experiential exercises designed to strengthen their physical and cognitive endurance. I also provide my clients with learning opportunities to become skillful at applying various mindfulness-based techniques to reduce mind wandering and anxiety during their examinations.

The Mindfully Prepped Philosophy

I encourage examinees to adopt a new and radical way of relating to their exams––one that allows intrinsic cognitive functions like concentration and working memory to flow optimally as they answer complex test questions under the pressure of time limitations. Moreover, I encourage examinees to aspire to be at their very best on test day rather than attaching to any expectation that they must pass!

Why this philosophy? I believe that approaching the examination process with an attitude of aspiration and acceptance of––any exam outcome––promotes a sense of ease and well-being and allows examinees to remain centered and calm during the exam. Similarly, I believe that cultivating an attitude of attachment to a certain exam outcome creates undue stress and self-judgment, which ultimately sabotages focus and concentration! Which attitude would you rather take with you into the examination room?

Who Might Benefit from Mindful Coaching

I work with new professionals who have taken, or are scheduled to take, the following state license examinations:

  • LCSW/ASWC Clinical
  • LMFT Clinical
  • LEP
  • Multistate Bar Examination (MBE)

I am currently offering 50% off of my hourly coaching rate to the first two CA Bar exam takers who contact me. Email me for more information.

What you Can Expect
The following four phases of coaching provide an overview of the services you can expect to receive as a new client depending on the number of sessions you purchase. There are no set number of coaching sessions per phase of coaching; however, most of my clients complete all four phases in 6 – 8 sessions depending on their situation and how diligent they are at completing their home practice assignments.

Your coach will meet with you to conduct a brief assessment of what may be contributing to your difficulty with the test taking process. In addition, he will review the benefits and potential risks of mindfulness practice identified in the research; explain the Mindfully Prepped philosophy as applied to test taking; review the concept of “home practice” as an essential component of your exam coaching program, and answer any questions you may have.

Your coach will engage you in a multi-modal presentation of the theoretical foundations of mindfulness meditation with special emphasis on the research-based benefits of mindfulness practice for test takers. Your coach will review the theory and practice of Self-Compassion and engage you in a reflective discussion about how these tools can help you identify and work through internal obstacles to being at your “very best” on test day.

Your coach will equip you with a wide array of practical mindfulness-an self-compassion-based tools to help you successfully work through test anxiety, increase concentration, reduce mind wandering, and free yourself from harsh self-judgment. Your coach will engage you in various modes of instruction including experiential exercises, mindfulness meditation, yoga/mindful movement, periods of silence, video, didactic-style teaching, and home practice.

After you have had time to practice the test taking tools, your coach will engage you in a detailed review of the elements of your mindfulness practice; helping you to identify the skills that are working, and can be strengthened, as well as those that require some adjustment to fit your particular test taking needs. Finally, your coach will teach you specific tools to use on test day; creative tools to master the test taking environment.

What People Are Saying

Before I sought the help from Mr. Madril, I had already failed the first exam several times.  However, with his help, I was able to pass two exams within one year!  Thus, I would like to share with all those who have been challenged by the LCSW exams my successful experiences through the tutoring of Mr. Madril.  He is a very gifted tutor with a variety of social work experiences.  He is very intelligent with profound thinking and unique insight into his trainees’ problems.  That is the reason he is able to grasp the challenges of my problem, and tailor a study strategy, which culturally fit into my background.  More importantly, he is clinically gifted enough to provide personal counseling to help me to cope with my extreme anxiety and stress about taking the exam.  By working with Mr. Madril for several sessions, I became very confident and I believed that I would pass the exams without any trouble.  It was true!  I passed two exams in a row within one year!

–Benjamin Chan, LCSW