Transgenerational Trauma

In this first of two videos on the topic of inherited vulnerability to mental health problems, Dr. Tony Madril is going to answer the question: “What is transgenerational trauma and how is it possible to recover from this type of family-related stress? A vulnerability to health and mental health problems may be linked to the transmission of trauma through genes, through epigenetic changes to cells as well as through the social environment. Click here to view:

Melting the Effects of Trauma through Everyday Self-Assertion

In this video, Dr. Tony Madril is going to answer the question: How can asserting myself help me heal from past trauma? Making a conscious decision to assert yourself in a stressful situation may help you to lessen the long-term effects of past trauma…

Free Webinar: Mental Health Solutions to Hollywood-Slowdown-Induced Anxiety


In this workshop, Dr. Madril will review a practical set of tools and techniques to increase your ability to successfully manage your anxiety symptoms and cope with the current slowdown for creative professionals in Hollywood. These skills have been thoughtfully assembled and drawn from psychotherapy modalities demonstrated through scientific research to be helpful in resolving chronic anxiety such as: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), mindfulness meditation, and self-compassion practices.

In addition, he will equip you with a practical framework to help you gain an active understanding of the practical steps you can take to cultivate daily habits that may provide you with long-term relief from anxiety and other distressing emotions.

This training integrates various modes of instruction including experiential exercises, mindfulness meditation, yoga/mindful movement, periods of silence, video presentation, and didactic-style teaching.


  • How to integrate cognitive therapy and mindfulness tools into your daily life to address day-to-day anxiety and to prevent it from becoming a chronic problem in your life.
  • How to integrate simple body-based practices into your self-care program that may help you to enhance your ability to regulate your emotions.
  • Practical knowledge about the connection between cognitive rumination and chronic anxiety.
  • Practical tools to cultivate daily habits designed to generate enduring feelings of peace and well-being.


1. Instructor-led presentation on the latest research-based information about clinical anxiety and how to best address it using practical tools and techniques.

2. Reusable handouts that you can integrate into your daily life to help you manage anxiety.

3. Links to guided audio meditations designed to help you find relief from anxiety over time.

4. Information about mental health resources such as lower-cost therapy groups for anxiety.


How Trauma is Hidden

In this video, Dr. Tony Madril is going to answer the question: How might secondary symptoms be masking unprocessed trauma from the past? There are several ways that secondary symptoms in a person’s life may be masking underlying trauma. For instance, frequent headache was associated with emotional, sexual, and physical abuse in the landmark Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. Other examples of secondary symptoms include compulsive behaviors, difficulty managing emotions, panic attacks,  persistent relationship problems, and unexplained medical conditions. Click here to watch

Working Through Trauma-Related Travel Fears

In this video Dr. Tony Madril will answer the question: How can trauma therapy help me overcome fears of traveling? Following trauma, the nervous system may become hypersensitive to stress. Another consequence may be that the part of the mind that holds the memory and distress of the trauma may try to “protect” the person from future harm by activating the fight-flight-freeze response when confronted with a stressful (yet, innocuous) situation that–in its hypersensitive state–perceives as overwhelming. In some cases, a memory of past trauma may be “feeding” the fear of traveling. Click here

Types & Timing of Trauma Interventions

In this video, Dr. Madril will be answering the following questions: (1) “What is the difference between top-down and bottom-up interventions in trauma therapy?”; (2) “When should these two types of techniques be used to have the most therapeutic effect?”

*Disclaimer: The information presented in this video is for educational purposes only. Consult with your mental health provider for trauma interventions that may work for you.

Radical Acceptance for Emotional Regulation

In this final video on the topic of emotional regulation for trauma recovery, Dr. Madril is going to answer the following questions:

1. What is radical acceptance?

2. How can radically accepting my emotional pain and viewing it as “temporary” improve my situation?

Radical acceptance can be defined as the complete and total acceptance of reality as it is. For instance, a person can radically accept that, in this moment, they are feeling anxious and afraid by noticing the discomfort and not trying to change it. How does this help? Research suggests that cultivating acceptance can improve one’s ability to reinterpret reality and better cope with life’s difficulties.

Emotional Regulation using Compassion for Younger Parts

You are welcome to view my third video on emotional regulation for trauma recovery: “Emotional Regulation using Compassion for Younger Parts.”

Mental Grounding for Emotional Regulation

In this second of four videos on the topic of emotional regulation for trauma recovery, Dr. Madril is going to answer the following questions:

  1. How can I use my surroundings to help me calm down when triggered by a reminder of past trauma?

A troubling consequence of trauma is that certain parts of your emotional brain may have become hypersensitive to threat, which may result in lingering symptoms like feeling as though the trauma is happening all over again or like you are oddly disconnected from yourself and your physical surroundings.

One way to help reprogram the brain to recognize that the trauma is over is to ground yourself in the present moment by redirecting your mind away from the triggering thoughts and emotions and onto physical objects that you can find nearby. Watch the YouTube video to learn more…

If you would like to learn more about best practices in trauma therapy, feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thank you!

Yogic Breathing for Emotional Regulation

In this first of four videos on emotional regulation for trauma recovery, Dr. Madril to answer the following question: How can I return to a state of calm when feeling anxious and unsafe?

It is common for people who have experienced trauma to have moments when they feel anxious and unsafe. This could be due to conscious and subconscious processing of fear and potential threats within one’s environment. Whatever the reason, it is helpful to have a practical set of tools on-hand to return the nervous system to a state of calm. A yogic breathing exercise called the Six-Count Breath is one of the techniques that Dr. Madril always recommend to clients who want practical tools to regulate their emotions…